When it comes to enticing gamers into preordering games or picking up special limited editions, the inclusion of a steelbook case has long been a go-to method. Not only do they have a classier look than the standard plastic case, but they have a nicer quality feel as well. Well, lovers of steelbooks and Lego have what could prove an exceptionally more enticing option for transporting their Switch games.
Best Buy has revealed a new steelbook modeled after the classic two-by-four Lego brick. However, while your normal steelbook might only be able to carry a single game, this new product has slots for 24. Of course, given the number of Lego games made, and remade, for Switch, it might not take too long to completely fill it up.
This case can be acquired as a free bonus with the purchase of two Lego games for Switch, or it can be bought by itself for $29.99.
Source: Best Buy