By all accounts, Batman: Arkham Trilogy is a great compilation. Well, except for Batman: Arkham Knight. That game runs terribly, with glitches galore and a frequently stuttering frame rate. It’s the lone blemish on what is otherwise a fine collection. Not content to let things remain a shambles, WB Games has released a patch to improve… something? It’s hard to say, really. At 16GB, one would assume that the performance for Arkham Knight would have risen proportionally. Alas, this seems to not be the case.
According to YouTube channel KwingsLetsPlay, the patch has fixed up some glitches involving Riddler trophies, which were previously not able to be collected in full, and has slightly smoothed out the visuals. Beyond that, however, the game is still slow, still rough, and still a massive under performer on Switch. It’s a shame, as the entirety of Rockstead’s Batman Arkham trilogy of games is spectacular—having such a shoddy port of Arkham Knight puts something of a black eye on the whole affair. Hopefully WB Games hits Arkham Trilogy with a proper fix before long so fans can properly enjoy themselves.
Source:Â Nintendo Life