Despite its admittedly odd premise, the Super Monkey Ball franchise found a surprisingly big audience thanks to it being launched alongside the nascent GameCube system. Unfortunately, the franchise fizzled out some as time passed and more sequels were released, but things might be turning around with the recent released of Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD, a Switch remaster of a Wii title. Now, that game’s director is hoping it’s success might lead to some releases.
“If there is enough support for Banana Blitz HD, this will open up doors for remaking the first two games or even a whole new title to the series,” said Masao Shirosaki. “But for now, I’d be happy if everyone has fun playing Banana Blitz HD.”
While the franchise has seen a few releases on handheld and mobile platforms in the intervening years, it went nearly a decade between console entries, with Banana Blitz HD ending that drought. Hopefully Shirosaki will get his wish and the series can get a completely new game in the near future.
Source: Nintendo Everything