Since the Nintendo Switch’s launch in March, the number of titles available in the eShop has been steadily growing. Now, with the launch of Super Mario Odyssey on Friday, that number has increased to 200.
That’s a lot of games in just under eight months! From The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Arms, and Splatoon 2, the Nintendo Switch is home to a number of massive titles. But the Switch has also made a name for itself in how indie-friendly it is, making itself home to a plethora of games from indie developers ranging from the most high profile to smaller titles.
It’s been less than a year since Nintendo Switch exploded onto the scene, and it shows no signs of slowing down. With games like L.A. Noire, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 all set to launch before the end of 2017 and a host of others set for next year, we can expect the eShop library to continue expanding at a rapid pace.
Source: Nintendo