12 More Games Coming to Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration Next Week

All available as a free update!

By Robert Marrujo. Posted 11/30/2023 13:51 1 Comment     ShareThis

Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration is a spectacular piece of software that is both game and documentary rolled into one. Filled with a plethora of archival documents and video footage, as well as classic (and even unreleased) Atari games, this is the ultimate compendium for both fans and historians. It’s also apparently not finished quite yet, either, as Atari will be offering a free holiday content update that will introduce 12 more games to the compilationβ€”with more to come even after that.

An announcement that will go into greater detail will be coming tomorrow, and Atari promises that “several” more content updates are on the way in the future. As for the specifics regarding which 12 games will be arriving on Tuesday, 12.05.23? Well, the post made on X is pretty vague, only offering hints as to what will be included. Your guess is as good as ours, frankly, so why not offer your estimations down below? Also let us know if you’ve downloaded and are enjoying Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration.

Source:Β Atari Press Release and X Account

One Response to “12 More Games Coming to Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration Next Week”

  • 1597 points
    penduin says...

    I’ve been on the fence about Atari 50 since it came out. What’s there is good, but many of my favorites are absent. STUN Runner, Klax, Gauntlet, Paperboy… It’s pretty hard to imagine a free update would add any of these, though I’d sure love to be wrong. :^)

    Maybe more plausible would be some of Epyx’s Lynx titles. (Atari 50 is disappointingly light on Lynx and Jaguar games overall.) Chip’s Challenge and Todd’s Adventures in Slime World, and even California Games, were pretty iconic. Some of those might nudge me over the edge.

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