This parody was originally posted on March 22, 2016. We’re sharing it again because of its uncanny similarity to fans’ real reaction to Pokémon Go.
The Pokémon Go GDC presentation was disappointingly canceled. Yet that doesn’t mean that Nintendojo can’t provide you with an exclusive look at some epic, leaked, prototypical gameplay for the upcoming mobile game! Okay, so maybe we don’t have any exclusive, real gameplay to show you. However, we do have a comedic representation of what the game may be like, and the chaos it may cause players in the future. Check it out below!
What did you think? Did you enjoy what you saw? Consider subscribing to the channel or watching their other Nintendo parodies or Pokémon videos. Also, for more from the creators, check out their Nintendojo exclusive Let’s Play series: NintenBros!
Sound off in the comments with what you thought and what kind of crazy stuff you think Pokémon Go could cause us in the real world!