Video: Nintendo Wii eUlogy – The Final Goodbye

Join us in giving the well-loved but imperfect console the perfect farewell it deserves.

By Dustin Grissom. Posted 02/27/2017 10:00 2 Comments     ShareThis

The end has come for the Nintendo Wii U. While everyone is in a craze over its successor, the Nintendo Switch, Wii U has been sort of left in the shadows. Does this console deserve a grand farewell? Well, it certainly deserves something! Gather around, Wii U fans, and join us in giving the imperfect — but well-loved — console the perfect farewell that it deserves.

Leave your sentiments in the comments below! What did you think of Wii U? How does it rank amongst Nintendo’s other consoles in your opinion?

2 Responses to “Video: Nintendo Wii eUlogy – The Final Goodbye”

  • 1570 points
    penduin says...

    I’m not saying farewell yet – I couldn’t get a Switch pre-ordered, so I’ll be playing Breath of the Wild on my trusty old Wii U.

    Online gaming was never too important for me, but I sure did a lot of it on Wii U. Early on, Rayman Legends kept me coming back until I got to Awesomeness level 11, or whatever the heck it was. More recently, Mario Maker has been an absolute treat. Kart and Smash reached their ultimate evolution on Wii U (except for Kart’s missing battle mode, I suppose) and will never be quite so appealing again, with free online going away. And of course this is the console that gave us Splatoon. I still have no interest in online multiplayer team shooters, but Splatoon is sublime.

    It’s too bad so many third parties gave up without trying very hard (points to Ubi for sticking with it longer than the others) but we’ve never seen so many indies on a Nintendo system. We even had two Humble Bundles! Here’s hoping indies keep embracing Switch.

    I’ll miss Miiverse. I didn’t use it a ton, but its integration into NES Remix and Splatoon added so much charm. I’ll miss having a built-in browser too. I wrote a handful of games that play great on Wii U, with no dev kit. Web is such a powerful and democratizing tool.

    For all its follies and all its missed opportunities (and sometimes both, looking at you Star Fox) I got a lot of great gaming out of the Wii U, and while I was planning to play Zelda on Switch, I’m glad I’ll get to give this system a proper send-off.

  • 1379 points
    xeacons says...

    I loved the years utilizing the Wii U. I always believed it never reached its full potential (dual screen, along the lines of the DS, but few developers attempted to take it that far). I believe every console and game has the ability to improve. So while MK8 lacked the Battle Mode, it seems the Deluxe version will be bringing it back.

    Nintendo tries so hard to improve, but when developers don’t want to jump on the wagon, there’s nothing you can do. Great try, and we will remember what the Wii U did right and well!

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