Mutterings from the Editor 04.15.12

This week: agoraphobia, going AWOL and thawing bread.

By Adam Sorice. Posted 04/16/2012 10:00 Comment on this     ShareThis

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Do you ever feel as if your bedroom has a stuff-magnet in it somewhere? A device that, somehow, draws seemingly random objects and otherwise nebulous crap into your room and prevents it from leaving?

Through no fault of my own, I just seem to discover things and piles of this and that developing in every corner of my living space. Despite my best efforts to keep clutter to a minimum, I can still see… stuff lying about. Well by lying about, I mean sitting correctly in a neat place but it’s still here. Populating my space, ensuring I bump into it at some point. Part of the reason I sit in my room most of the time (in keeping with that classic stereotype of the angry teenager who dislikes daylight, plays video games all day and runs an angry website to spew his hate into the world anonymously) is because the rest of my house (and world) has an ever denser population of stuff. Too much stuff for me to actively compute it all without wanting to sit with a blanket over my head and only have a vague acknowledgement of the TV’s existence.

I probably sound mental right now, but that’s not new. The completion of my second year at university and the inevitable pre-exam revision period has begun to take its toll, with “going outside” no longer being the style and “staying inside all day and resenting my possessions” suddenly at the height of trend. With nowhere else to go (and the joys of living in the arse end of nowhere) I’ve now grown over-habituated to my junk and now it’s turning on me in a weird, 80s throwback nightmare. The worryingly polyester bottle green double breasted suit I purchased off eBay the other day is a fine example of both my resentment of stuff and why you should not browse the internet with a credit card in the immediate area. The independent cinema listing guide that is lying on my chest of drawers may as well be my Blue Kryptonite; the enemy of minimalism.

And by minimalism I do mean: nothing. When I move out (soon, let it be soon) I’m planning on taking the Macbook that I’m typing on (which, according to my lovely friend who works for a non-specific retail chain, should really really not have a swollen battery that is warping the casing of the computer) the clothes that I wear regularly and the amusingly large Pikachu plushie that sits on my chair or bed depending on which I’m not currently using.

I’d argue that this resentment of things probably comes from the fact that my mother takes great solace in tearing stuff out of cupboards and then methodically organising it again. (Or just losing interest and leaving the hallway like a slalom course for midgets involving shampoo bottles.) That sounds like a helpful hobby but when you walk into the living room and there’s seven fridge freezer drawers on the floor and your mum is sitting next to a pile of rapidly defrosting bread, you just turn on your heels and hide somewhere until it’s over. Like the war.

(No I am not a deserter. I challenge any medical professional to class me fit for warfare anyway, the last time I tried to do a push-up I nearly cried.)

Why am I writing this? Oh yeah, the website! Welcome to Issue 98: Everything Goes My Way, a title borrowed from this rather nice song by Metronomy. Onto this week’s content, Katharine gets the ball rolling as she discusses whether The World Ends With You‘s tricky battle system might foreshadow problems for the Wii U’s tablet controller, our foray into the world of the retro, Square Roots, returns as Pierre takes on the challenge that is Super Mario World and Michael Contino discusses the Wii games that should have been! All that plus the latest edition of Green Switch Palace, our Kid Icarus: Uprising review finally lands and the tenth episode of Nintendo HeartCast is in store for you this week.



Your week at Nintendojo, Issue 98: Everything Goes My Way


Poll: Still Gotcha Catch ‘Em All? by Adam Sorice
We ask if you’re looking forward to Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 in this week’s poll.

The World Ends With Wii U by Katharine Byrne
Wii U’s tablet controller opens up a world of gaming possibilities but how practical are they?

Nightly News Roundup by Eileen Cullen
Welcome to the whenever-we-get-round-to-publishing o’clock news.


Square Roots: Super Mario World by Pierre Bienaime
Square Roots returns in an out of this world edition. Because he’ll be in Mario’s.

Nightly News Roundup by Andy Hoover
Apparently I’m having garlic bread for dinner.


Nintendo HeartCast 010 by Evan Campbell and M. Noah Ward
Where is the love? In their voices, of course.

Nightly News Roundup by Mel Turnquist
The garlic bread was actually pretty good.


Wii’s Unfinished Canvas by Michael Contino
The shoulda, woulda, coulda of Wii’s gaming library.

Nightly News Roundup by Michael Contino
BY DAY HE IS MICHAEL CONTINO BUT BY NIGHT… he does the news as well.


Green Switch Palace by Marc N Kleinhenz
In our heads, Green Switch Palace is a downmarket Indian restaurant with cracked tiles and some very-funky looking mushrooms on the menu.

Nightly News Roundup by Katharine Byrne
I wonder if I should keep my beard or not.. (Not Katharine, me.) (Katharine doesn’t have a beard.)


Week: End Game: On by Dustin Grissom
Will Xenoblade continue to dominate our playing? Knowing this lot, probably.

Coming up next week… Issue 99: Hard Times

In the run up to our centenary issue we look at the best of Mario Kart, the worst of Sonic and the conclusion of our Dante’s Inferno-inspired look at Resident Evil: Revelations!

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