Hello Dojo readers! Do you fancy some jolly free stuff? We thought you might. Some very nice chaps have sent over an avalanche of awesomeness for us to give away, including a brand new blue Wii console (we’ve heard it’s blue!) a copy of Mario and Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games (sporting nostalgia!) AND a copy of some game called Xenoblade Chronicles? I think we may have written about it before? Maybe once or twice. Or a whole bunch of times.

Relive the London Olympics if you win our competition! (Note: Skydiving monarch not included.)
To be in with a chance of winning all these awesome prizes, all you have to do is answer the following question and email your answer to nintendojocompetitions@live.co.uk!
Where were this year’s Olympic Games held?
A. Hyrule
B. London
C. Mushroom Kingdom
To be in with a chance of winning simply send your answer A, B or C to nintendojocompetitions@live.co.uk by Sunday 4th November! (Again, this competition is only open to European residents so please don’t enter if you live elsewhere because the console simply won’t work!)
And if you thought that question was tricky, maybe you need to look over our basic rules of fandom? Apologies to our many international readers who aren’t able to take part, don’t hate us; hate region lock! (Also America, you got the second Chibi-Robo! game and we didn’t. Consider us even…)
Prize kindly donated by mobile phone retailer Dialaphone, who offer free gifts with some handsets. Visit the site to find out more.
Wow, cool contest! Best of luck to all the European readers!
Go Europe! You need Xenoblade! Hee Hee