Breath of the Wild: Dragons & Springs

The best way to avoid getting scorched and how the beasts relate to the three sacred springs!

By Robert Marrujo. Posted 04/05/2017 10:00 Comment on this     ShareThis

You’ve likely seen a dragon at least once in your travels around The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild‘s Hyrule, lazily rolling through the sky like some kind of enormous, living wave. They’re majestic, they’re unmistakable, and… well, they’re a bit of a mystery if you don’t know what to do with them. Do you fight them? Avoid them? The answer is somewhere in the middle—you want to engage them but not truly battle them. The goal is to get close enough to each dragon in order to chip chunks off of them for a variety of uses. Read on to find out how!


Getting to the dragons is half the battle, so we’ve provided maps below that highlight when and where to get in contact with Naydra, Farosh, and Dinraal.




Naydra is unique amongst the three, as it’s in a bit of a predicament when you discover it. The creature is rife with corruption from Ganon and needs Link to rid it of the blight. In order to fight the infection, Link will have to take flight using the swirling updrafts it creates to be able to get near the dragon. Once airborne and hurtling towards Nayrdu, avoid its hazards as best you can, get in close, and then pull out your bow; as time slows down around Link, line up your shot to hit the large eyes protruding from its body, one by one. After the final eye has been hit, Naydra will be restored.

Though Farosh and Dinraal won’t be infected once you meet them, follow the same method of approach and attack you used to grapple with Naydra with them. Once in the air and ready to shoot at them, aim for one of four areas on the beasts:

  1. Body: Get a scale
  2. Horn: Get a shard of horn
  3. Fang: Get a shard of fang
  4. Claw: Get a claw

These parts can be used for a variety of things, but the primary use you should focus on at first is harvesting scales and unlocking the Springs of Wisdom, Courage, and Power.


Spring of Wisdom: Offer Naydra’s Scale

Spring of Courage: Offer Farosh’s Scale

Spring of Power: Offer Dinraal’s Scale

Once you’ve reached each spring (and remember, there’s no set order to tackle them), there will be a required offering of a dragon scale that corresponds with the spring you’re in (we’ve noted which part/dragon goes with which spring, above). These lead to shrines, which, as we detailed in our Survival Tips guide, are critical to complete in order to get through the game. Once you’ve dealt with the springs, you’re free to use dragon parts in different ways (note: you can keep harvesting parts from each dragon, but you can only get one per encounter. Also, Naydra begins flying around like the other two after the corruption has been removed from its body, so it too can repeatedly be used to harvest dragon parts).


  • Use in cooking to extend the duration of the various buffs that a dish offers. Scales add 90 seconds, Claws add 3:30, Fang Shards add 10:30, and Horn Shards add 30 whopping minutes! This can be incredibly helpful if you haven’t come across armors to fight the elements or don’t have the cash to spend on them.
  • Upgrade the Barbarian Armor (multiple of each dragon part will be needed for all four upgrades).
  • Upgrade Link’s Champion Tunic (two Horn Shards are required from each dragon for each level of upgrade in the following order: Farosh, Naydra, Dinraal).

That’s it for tackling dragons in Breath of the Wild. Do you have any alternative methods or approaches to the beasts that we didn’t cover here? Tell us in the comments!

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