Nintendo Heartcast Episode 033: New Pants

Evan and Noah discuss excitement for Animal Crossing, but aren’t so fond of Wii U’s chat solution.

By M. Noah Ward. Posted 10/31/2012 09:00 6 Comments     ShareThis

Nintendo Heartcast Episode 033: New Pants


Evan and Noah give hype trains for Animal Crossing and Fire Emblem, and hate trains for Wii U chat and Need for Speed. Apologies for the small sync issue.

There is a small audio sync issue where Evan will sound like he’s talking on top of Noah sometimes. This is due to recording with different hardware than usual. We’ll be back to the regular stuff next week. Otherwise, you can laugh at how rude Evan sounds. Also, adding to Noah’s fun, Photoshop stopped working before he could make an album art. Happy Halloween indeed!

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Recording Date
October 29, 2012

Evan and Noah

Show Contents
00:00:00 Introduction
00:04:15 Player Input: Universal, Resident Evil and Professor Layton
00:35:30 Hype and Hate Train News
00:57:48 Listener Feedback
01:18:38 Conclusion
01:20:27 Credits
01:22:16 Total Length


6 Responses to “Nintendo Heartcast Episode 033: New Pants”

  • 576 points
    MegabusterLegends3 says...

    My dream frankenconsole? The Virtual Boy. Hands down. It’s already done all the patchwork for me. Plus, I am one of the few people who don’t get headaches from it.

    Just a note about PS All Stars, I may have been a tad harsh on it, though it is not a great or balanced game by any means. I will admit I’ve had some fun with it (Parappa’s my main, don’cha know), but not enough to buy the game before discount.

    Now it’s my turn for a hypothetical franken-question.
    What would your ideal Franken-Zelda game be?

    Personally, I would go for a game with Wind Waker’s overworld and exploration and battle system, Majora’s Mask’s (Or Link to the Past’s) dynamic opening and darker themes, Twilight Princess’s item selection, and Ocarina of Time’s surprise creepiness factor (Dead Hand FTW!)
    Oh, and the art style of that Wii U demo, please. That rocked.

  • 69 points
    hattori says...

    I’m loving Darth Evan :) , I’m indifferent with the whole voice chat situation because it’s something that is easily fixed with a firmware update. (IIRC the 360 didn’t launch with party chat but they added it in through a later firmware update)
    I don’t know if you have addressed this already but what games are you planning on getting at launch? (Evan)
    So did you guys get to try out the Wii U yet? (@bestbuy or gamestop)

  • 27 points
    shadownin says...

    Wii U can use wireless head sets I am sure others will follow so that problem is solved. I also wouldn’t really trust what that nintendo rep says because nintendo reps have been known to say ridiculus things so I would take what he said with a grain of salt. So voice chat may still use the game pads microphone. Whether the wii u will have some system wide voice chat at or after launch is up in the air which is annoying. So we will probably have to wait for more information from nintendo preferably from someone higher up.

  • 156 points
    Linkrevenge says...

    Didn’t the Animal Crossing City Folk have free DLC from Nintendo? I had that game but for some reason the game felt too much like a copy to me. I am still waiting to seeing Wii U menu being navigated to other channels. Nintendo is just treating 3rd party badly with withholding their final details for official online voice chat. How can the games be all that they can be if they don’t spell it out? If a new Disney Duck tale’s game does come out. Would pogo stick still work in a 3D world? Or would it be a sequel would be when Scrooge is younger and game play like the uncharted games? I am guessing you didn’t smash your 3DS over mario tennis 3D like a actual tennis player would have smash his racket. My question I’ll retype about the next Super Smash bros. game on Wii U. Would having the character’s final smashes be a good idea? It would keep up with the the video game character’s past and future games.

  • 576 points
    MegabusterLegends3 says...

    I would have mentioned this sooner, buuuut I didn’t have Pokemon Black 2 until yesterday.

    I’m going to keep my impressions short, since I know how much you guys prefer brevity.

    When I first turned on the game, I was devestated. This was the first DS game I had tried to play since Rhythm Heaven and Elite Beat Agents about a year ago(And frankly, Both those games look fantastic, even blown up). Compared to what I had gotten used to, Pokemon was pretty low res, and the music was less than ideal, in my opinion.

    Then, once I started playing, I caught a few Pokemon (a Lilipup, my Oshawott, a Patrat) and I found myself starting to get bored of repeating Pound and Bubblebeam against the same 3 Pokemon over and over. I thought to myself, “Geez, I spent 35 bucks for this?”.

    But then, that old Pokemon magic kicked in. First, I caught a Riolu (which, by the way, must have been a stroke of luck, since I haven’t found one since the first one I caught), as well as Azumarill (one of my favorite Gen 1 Pokemon). Then, I got to my first gym battle … and I never looked back.

    I dispatched the first Pokemon with ease, but the second one put up a fight. Five of my Pokemon were knocked out almost instantly, and my last Pokemon was severely outleveled. In fact, I didn’t even use it, it had just been sitting in my party after I caught it. But just when I was bout to give up, my Mareep’s paralyze function kicked in, and I was able to chip away at the other guy while he was paralyzed.

    Paralyz, Heal, Attack, repeat.
    It took every potion and berry I had, but I DID IT.
    Pokemon has its hooks in me once more.

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