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Noah has to sit this one out due to illness, but you can hear him participate, Navi style, by the bloop of his IMs in the background. Aaron and James debate Overrated Ocarina, Trip Hawkins and Wii U.
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Recording Date
July 13, 2011
Noah, James and Aaron
00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:39 What We’re Playing
00:16:42 Gamers Over 30 Are Weird, Trip Hawkins, Wii Not Irrational
00:32:36 Is Ocarina of Time Overrated?
00:48:42 Warm Fuzzies Feedback
00:58:34 Conclusion
01:00:23 Credits
01:02:07 Total Length
Ocarina’s not the best game ever, but it’s still awesome, even compared to recent Zeldas. For reference, I love each of its sequels (and Majora’s Mask is my favorite game ever), but I think OOT still does some things better than them. While Twilight Princess is prettier, OOT has a more appealing (and, dare I say, fitting) art style, and its pacing is much smoother than TP’s (which takes forever to get going, then suddenly loses its wind halfway through). The dungeons, too, hold up remarkably well in terms of their design and the puzzles therein, and I’d even argue that its soundtrack is better. Its pacing, though, is where I think it has the biggest advantage over TP, which is enough to nudge it past that game in my personal hierarchy of Zeldas.
So yes, OOT is (currently) the second-best 3D Zelda game. This matter is done. I HAVE PASSED JUDGMENT.
Good show, guys. ;P
Ocarina time is the best game ever(except maybe Panzer Dragoon Saga)
OofT features the child adult transformation. Plus its dungeons are unique. Twilight Princess is derivative of OofT. I could see someone claiming Wind Waker is the best because its unique. But a “re-imagining” like TP cannot exceed its inspiration IMO. The child to adult transformation is a huge deal. Being with a character is pretty big deal. How many other games have done that? In addition OofT doesn’t have all the fetch quest stuff in TOP that made it drag. Sometimes stream lining is good.
TP ultimately fails because gave me what I wanted. Which sounds like a good thing but the goal of game designers should be to both give us what we ant but also something new.
The original Zelda and Ocarina of Time have been seminal gaming experiences that redefined the medium. For a new Zelda to eclipse either of these I think it would have to redefine gaming not just “have slightly better combat controls” like TP.
Also James I’m glad you’re enjoying Phantasy Star 2. That series is under appreciated. If you haven’t played 4 you should.
Ocarina isn’t the best Zelda, in my opinion. Future Zelda games did better jobs at telling a story of the world around you and its history, went deeper about individual characters and races, provided larger worlds, and improved on the basic gameplay mechanics.
Ocarina may have started a lot of things, being the first 3D game, but for what it can offer to the players, other Zelda games have things better.
If I were the creator of Zelda games, my feelings would be sorta hurt, knowing that everything else I’ve poured my time into afterward are being criticized as being “not as good” by some gamers. As a developer, you strive to do better in order to satisfy the fans, and to move the series forward, and to be free from the chains of Ocarina of Time forever.
So with respect to this whole “stop-gap” issue that’s been causing a stir, I think everyone needs to do a bit of a reality check.
First of all, the Wii suffered behind its peers in one major way that the Wii U will not: HD output. However powerful the PS4 and Xbox 720 will be, they will not surpass 1080p resolution, so that’s immediately one huge leveling factor.
Second, you have to think about current PC technology a bit. High-end PCs at the moment are very far above our HD consoles in horsepower and yet developers have not been able to truly harness that power in a significant way. Certainly there are graphical improvements, but you would have difficulty arguing that the distinction is anywhere close to the jump from Wii to PS3. And more importantly, the cost of these rigs is so high that the next generation of console technology will not even be able to match that while still being affordable.
Now, that’s not to say developers won’t find a way to take advantage of the increased horsepower of the PS4, but I do not believe it will be terribly significant.
The best Zelda- the first one. Not simply because it was the first one, but because of what it did with the lack of power, compared to the systems that later games in the series. You didn’t need the voice acting or impressive graphics. The gameplay spoke for itself. Games today tend to focus on story first and gameplay second. The Legend of Zelda spoke through gameplay. I had a hard time getting into OoT, MM, and TP, but I could jump right into Zelda 1.
Oh, and Noah, you forgot to play my audio feedback I had recorded for Aaron.