Well, it’s Christmas again. I hope that you’ve been having a great holiday season, no matter what you celebrate. Wasn’t 2010 a standout year for gaming? More will be posted about that in the coming weeks.
Having finished almost all of my Christmas shopping, I have a few gaming-related thoughts for you as you unwrap your holiday bounty this weekend… conveniently expounded in Mario-themed statements.
Every Mario can use a Luigi.
Let’s face it, while it can be fun to explore the Mushroom Kingdom alone, it’s always good to have a friend or three to back you up, to help you when you’re down, or maybe even to tackle a problem you find insurmountable. Everyone has his or her own strengths and weaknesses, and finding a good group of friends is an excellent way to prepare for whatever problems you may face, whether it the size of a Goomba or Bowser himself.
Learn lessons from each 1-Up you use.
Sometimes you’ll win, and sometimes you’ll lose, but it’s important to remember that you learn something from both experiences. In fact, sometimes it’s a failure that eventually sets you up for a string of wins. Just remember that if you don’t learn from your past, you’re doomed to jump down the same bottomless pit every time.
Take the enemies as they come.
It’s no good to worry about the Piranha Plant ahead of you when there’s a Koopa in front of you. And don’t try to go back to where you’ve been, because life only scrolls one direction. Take each day as it comes and constantly try to improve with every effort.
Believe in the Tanooki Suit.
When you try, you have the ability to do great things. Don’t be so worried about your limitations that you refuse to take flight. And don’t hide in the shadows when what you can do will make a difference. Get out there and make a difference for as long as you can.
Your princess is not always in another castle.
Don’t get so caught up in the journey towards a goal that you forget to see an accomplishment you have made. Revel in every accomplishment instead of the big ones.
Hopefully you take something away from this, and if not, that’s okay. Either way, have a very Merry Christmas (or other holiday) and a Happy New Year!