Nintendojo Jukebox: Snowpoint City Night (Pokémon Diamond and Pearl)

Travel back to a snow-covered city in Sinnoh with our latest track!

By Marc Deschamps. Posted 12/27/2016 10:00 Comment on this     ShareThis


For the Nintendojo Jukebox feature, we like to make selections around the holidays that fit the theme of winter. Fortunately, several of Nintendo’s franchises have strong compositions that match the tone of the season. This week is no exception, with a track that evokes the solitary sound of a city enveloped in snow.

This week’s selection is Snowpoint City Night from Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. After Ruby and Sapphire removed the day and night feature introduced in the previous Pokémon generation, Diamond and Pearl resurrected it with an interesting new twist: several city themes now featured a bit more of a jazz-influence when played at night. While more recent titles have stuck to a single track for each town and city, Pokémon Sun and Moon thankfully resurrected the feature.

Snowpoint’s City’s nighttime theme starts out with a hauntingly solitary sound, similar to the beginning of the Phendrana Drifts track from Metroid Prime. That sound slowly melts away, however, as it’s replaced with the kind of peaceful melody often associated with the holidays and cold winter nights. You can practically hear the crunch of boots pressing against the untouched snow.

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