Bits & Bytes: Welcome to the Revolution

Not really, but we have some news!

By Robert Marrujo. Posted 07/21/2024 17:42 Comment on this     ShareThis

Oh hello, dear readers. Normally, Bits & Bytes is a column that I do here on and off for Nintendojo. As it so happens, I’ve decided to take that name and slap it onto a website dubbed, fittingly, Bits & Bytes. Why? Well, because as much as I love Nintendo, I love other video game companies quite a lot, too, and writing for Nintendojo means I am forced to neglect them. I also have a huge love for comic books and other aspects of so-called nerd culture, which are similarly restricted in terms of how much I can talk about them here.

So, with Bits & Bytes it gives me an opportunity to talk about all of that and more on a (semi) regular basis. If you like my writing here on Nintendojo I welcome you to come check out Bits & Bytes. And please note that Bits & Bytes isn’t associated with or owned by It’s my own thing where I’m doing and saying what I want, so I might get a little spicier than I do here, but not much. I sincerely think it will be a natural fit for our readers here who share similar interests.

Welcome! And yes, you’re stuck with me here too, so no, this is not a goodbye. I’m simply… expanding. Spreading my girth. TAKING UP SPACE.

See you on the intertubes, kids.

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