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Poll: Samus’s Best Mission

Polls by Kevin Knezevic, posted on 08/30/2016 09:00 2 comments

Which Metroid title is your favorite?

News Desk: Gunman Clive Developer Working on New Game for 3DS

News by Mel Turnquist, posted on 05/21/2013 17:00 Leave a Comment

Developer was inspired by the early Legend of Zelda games.

What Zelda Can Learn From Star Fox Adventures

Editorials by Kevin Knezevic, posted on 10/18/2011 10:00 6 comments

Derivative? Perhaps, but SFA took some bold steps Link would be smart to follow.

Endless Ocean 3D

Editorials by Kevin Knezevic, posted on 08/17/2011 18:00 2 comments

What would the scuba series look like on 3DS? We entertain some possibilities.

Round Table: Metroid Memories

Round Tables by Kevin Knezevic, posted on 08/13/2011 21:00 4 comments

The staff celebrate Metroid’s 25th anniversary with their favorite memories of the series.

Maniac Mansion Mel Masthead

Returning to Maniac Mansion

Editorials by Mel Turnquist, posted on 07/21/2011 10:00 5 comments

Adventuring to the past, a look at the eerie beginnings of the visual novel.

Toy’s-Eye View

Editorials by Kevin Knezevic, posted on 07/15/2011 10:00 4 comments

Everyone knows chores are boring, so what is it about Chibi-Robo! that makes being a tiny, housecleaning robot so fun?

The Best on DS: Adventure Games

The Best on DS: Adventure Games

Specials by M. Noah Ward, posted on 02/28/2011 22:00 4 comments

Thank goodness this genre wasn’t left in the ’90s.

Tidman’s Take – Zack & Wiki: Casual in Conception?

Tidman's Take by Matthew Tidman, posted on 10/17/2010 10:00 2 comments

A game featuring a boy pirate who eats chocolate and a mechanical flying monkey? How could that not be casual?

Hot Air: Powered

Hot Air by Aaron Roberts, posted on 08/05/2010 10:34 2 comments

What about the games where you DON’T power up?

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