A case study in innovative endgame bosses.
Top Ten: Zelda Dungeons
We list the best dungeons that the Zelda series has to offer!
Top Ten: Worst Moments in Zelda History
Katharine gets mean as she cuts her favourite franchise down to size.
Round Table: Wii’s Not-So-Forgotten Gems
There are other special Wii games, you know…
Top Ten: Zelda Tunes
Time to ignite the flame wars as Katharine counts down her top ten Zelda ditties.
Collector’s Edition Overload
Bradly takes a look at how collector’s editions have become not so collectible, and what to do about the rising problem.
Video Feature: What If Nintendo Made Kinect?
What if Nintendo decided to hop on the Kinect bandwagon, make an imitation of their own, and then apply the device to their old Wii games? Yikes, this won’t be pretty.
Rage Quit or Google it?
How search engines and the internet have contributed to the demystification of the video game.
Fan Service: Don’t Hate Those Late to the Party
All about the newbie fans and why I believe that they shouldn’t be hated on so hard.
Another Castle: Skyloft’s Utopian Dream
Gorko the Goron idolizes Skyloft as a kind of utopia, but how does The Surface compare?
Nightly News Roundup: 05.02.2012
Nintendo fans win with E3 promising a bright future and also some Pokémon Conquest news.
Nintendo Heartcast 005: Fully Skyward
Neal Ronaghan joins us to do a full-game dissection of Skyward Sword, as well as debate our favorite Zelda games.
The Best Games Overall of 2011
The main event is here: Game of the Year!
The Best Music of 2011
We’re all about string instruments this year. With one monstrous exception.
The Best Wii Games of 2011
Who went boom and bust on Wii in 2011? Well, come and find out!
Nintendo Heartcast 002: Turning Point
At nearly two hours, the second Nintendo Heartcast talks the pros of Miyamoto retiring, Mario 3D Land analysis and the cons of future motion control Zeldas.
Golden Silence or Silver Speech?
Are silent protagonists are still relevant in today’s push for realism?
Industry Chatter 11.29.11
Revelations from the heart of the Big N.
Round Table: Zelda Memories
Zelda, Link and Ganon turn 25 this year, you thought we weren’t going to celebrate?
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Review
Link certainly flies high in Skyward Sword, but has his latest adventure clipped Zelda’s wings?
A Hero Takes Flight
While Link prepares for take-off, we discuss land, water and air in Zelda.
Poll: Open your Eyes, Look up to the Skies
I’m just a poor boy, I need no sympathy (just Zelda.)
Industry Chatter 10.25.2011
Bit.Trip Runner 2 will miss WiiWare, no online mode for Monster Hunter 3G, and Iwata calls Wii Motion Plus “an unruly horse”.
Poll: Gems on the Horizon
There’s plenty of games coming out soon but which are you most anticipating?
Industry Chatter 10.18.2011
Today’s edition tackles Professor Layton, Skyward Sword and sales galore.
Motion Control: Here to Stay?
Will motion control continue strong into the generations to come?
Top Ten: Zelda Items
It’s time to put Link’s trusty inventory to the ultimate test!
The Laws of Video Game Land
Phoenix Wright pronounces judgment on the legal systems of other video games.
Weekly News Roundup: 10.09.2011
A cool new 3DS color, European Zeldas in short supply, and a Pokémon launch party make up this week’s news roundup.
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Preview
It might have been the only Wii game on show at London’s Eurogamer Expo, but there couldn’t have been a better ambassador for Wii than The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.
Poll: Conference Conquests
What are you jonesing for after Nintendo’s big press event?
Press Release: Skyward Sword Bundle
Skyward Sword to come with gold Wii Remote Plus, soundtrack disc.
Skyward Sword Releases on Nov. 20
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword set to ruin our Thanksgiving reunions.
Playing to Perfection
Is Nintendo sacrificing right now for just right with its software strategy?
The Legend of Zelda, Nester-Style
This is the kind of Zelda game they SHOULD be making, HOZERS!
Weekly News Roundup: 07.24.2011
Capcom tears the hearts out of its most dedicated fans, Assassin’s Creed on Wii U isn’t what we expected, and a double header of Zelda related news
E3 Nightly News Roundup 06.07.11
The Big N steals the show and drops some serious bombshells along the way.
Nintendo E3 2011 Conference Liveblog
Sit back, relax and follow all the action with our rolling updates from the conference.
Weekly News Roundup 05.29.2011
No Modern Warfare 3 for Wii? VC and more Zelda than you could ever ask for.
Thoughts on Skyward Sword
James employs some blue sky thinking regarding the story of Link’s next adventure.
Industry Chatter: 05.19.2011
This week’s gossip, rumours and industry murmurs. We herd you liek Mudkips?
The Paintbrush and the Sword
Exploring the Impressionist influences in Skyward Sword.
Nightly News Roundup 2010.12.21
Skyward Sword halfway complete; Fluidity flows straight from Metroid; Gallery1988 unveils lots of gaming posters
Tidman’s Take: Link’s Armament – Part 2
And now, the second half of Tidman’s look at the best and worst items in Link’s adventures, from the Oracle games to Spirit Tracks.
Nightly News Roundup: 2010.08.03
A big day for EA, new details on Skyward Sword and Iwata comments on Wii successor announcement.
Nightly News Roundup: 2010.07.14
“Silly gamers, Sonic is for kids!”, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword aiming for early 2011 and The Last Story being Hironobu Sakaguchi’s Final Fantasy?
Nightly News Roundup 2010.07.07
Skyward Sword and Kid Icarus: Uprising make for a couple headlines.
Round Table in Haiku: Looking to E3 2011
After all this talk about E3 2010, here’s what we hope and wish for in E3 2011… in haiku.
Nester64x: Nintendo Wrecks Another E3
Some of Nintendo’s E3 showing was okay, but it all would have been awesome if they listened to me!
Hardcore-o-meter: E3 2010
Here’s our quick hardcore guide to the Wii games shown at Nintendo’s E3 2010 conference, which breaks down which titles were more casual, hardcore or a mix of both demographics.
Fun Facts and Tales from the Developer Event
In case you’ve not seen them all, we collect all the fun insights we learned at Nintendo’s developer event about 3DS, Steel Diver, Nintendogs + Cats and Skyward Sword here.
Not Your Ordinary Zelda Boss
The E3 demo of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword showcases a boss rarely seen in the Zelda series.
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Preview
Hyrule has never felt so good.
Dojo-Show-Go! 95.1 Minicast: Press Conference Ahoy!
Your intrepid Dojo-Show-Go! hosts fight fatigue to bring you our thoughts and reactions from Nintendo’s Press conference.
Nightly News Roundup: 2010.06.15
A recap of announcements from Nintendo’s E3 2010 press conference.
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