Nightly News Roundup 2010.12.07

EA exec claims single player is dead, more 3DS details to emerge early next year, and Ghost Trick Phantom Detective reminds us never to fling vital medicine across the room.

By Matthew Tidman. Posted 12/07/2010 22:50 1 Comment     ShareThis

Nightly News Roundup

EA Claims Offline Games Are Finished

While not directly related to Nintendo, in a recent interview with Develop, President of the EA Games Frank Gibeau has gone on record as saying that offline, single-player games are a thing of the past. “I volunteer you to speak to EA’s studio heads; they’ll tell you the same thing. They’re very comfortable moving the discussion towards how we make connected gameplay – be it co-operative or multiplayer or online services – as opposed to fire-and-forget, packaged goods only, single-player, 25-hours-and you’re out. I think that model is finished.” He went on to finish the thought saying, “Online is where the innovation, and the action, is at.” While Nintendo has lagged behind other gaming companies’ online models in terms of ease of use and connectivity, it’ll be interesting to see if with so many of the major publishers focusing on an online strategy with future games if Nintendo will beef up its online presence with its new handheld and inevitable new console.

Source: Develop

RUMOR: Floodgates of 3DS Information to Open Next Month

With the system seeing release in Japan in three months, Nintendo has been surprisingly silent on 3DS since its unveiling. Also mum have been developers who have been working with the system. While it is not confirmed, IGN Nintendo Editor Richard George is claiming that Nintendo is keeping developers quiet when it comes to the system, but we should hopefully get a flood of info next month when Nintendo finally lifts that curtain.

Source: IGN Blogs

Ghost Trick Trailer Denotes Importance of Medicine

Capcom released a new trailer for it’s upcoming action/puzzle game Ghost Trick Phantom Detective. In this short trailer, protagonist Sissel must help a man recover his medication before it’s too late and he passes away from a heart attack. Using a combination of the inanimate objects in the room, Sissel is able to do so in the nick of time. You can check out the trailer embedded below, and be sure to check out the game when it’s released next year.

Source: Capcom

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