Ronda Rousey Interested in Playing Samus Aran

UFC star wants to bring Nintendo’s best intergalactic bounty hunter to life.

By Andy Hoover. Posted 02/23/2016 17:00 Comment on this     ShareThis

Issue 13: The Return of Samus

Much has been said about bring the Metroid franchise to the bring screen over the years, but this time it’s being brought up from by what might, at first glance, appear to be a somewhat surprising source: former UFC champ Ronda Rousey.

Of course, it’s only initially shocking because upon closer inspection, Rousey looks to be quite qualified for the role. In addition to being one of the most celebrated and successful female fighters of all time, she also has a few big budget action movies in her filmography. But perhaps what makes her most qualified for the role is the fact that she is an outspoken and unabashed gamer, having made frequent mention of her love for many old-school Nintendo games including an especially deep love for Pokémon.


“I’ve always wanted to be Samus. That would be badass. I hope they make a movie out of that,” she said in a recent interview. “I love how people found out later that it was a hot chick on the inside.”

As unlikely as a Metroid movie is in the near future, there is no denying that Ronda Rousey could probably bring a lot of physicality to the role.

Source: IGN

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