Pokémon Go Inspires Sony to Pursue Mobile Market

Hopes to combine its properties with AR gaming to achieve similar success.

By Andy Hoover. Posted 09/06/2016 17:00 Comment on this     ShareThis


Few things have been more eye-opening to the video game industry this year than the immense success of Pokémon Go. Though the app’s popularity might have settled down a bit since launch, it still managed to break records both in terms of number of downloads and revenue generated. There’s little doubt that other companies are likely planning to find some way to emulate that success and, in fact, Sony CEO Kaz Hirai has stated such as a matter of record.

Sony already expressed its intent to move into the mobile market with the creation of ForwardWorks, a mobile development studio created to bring Playstation’s biggest franchises to mobile devices. In a post-Pokémon Go world, Sony is boosting those efforts and adding augmented reality elements to its game plan.


“It’s an innovative idea that’s going to lift all boats for the video game industry,” Hirai said. “I’m very interested in the fact that it has the potential to really change the way people move, literally.”

Sony has yet to announce anything specific for mobile markets, either before or after Pokémon Go’s successful launch. Of course, Nintendo still has mobile plans under wraps as well, so it will be all the more interesting to see how the competing companies match up on the mobile market. Now is just a question of when that’s going to happen.

Source: IGN

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