Issue 53: Exceeding Imagination

It only comes once a year. Like Christmas but with Santa Miyamoto.

By Adam Sorice. Posted 06/06/2011 10:00 Comment on this     ShareThis

There’s something almost magical about E3. I know that probably sounds foolish (and in my current state of E3 preperation-induced exhaustion, the ravings of a nutter) but the Electronic Entertainment Expo will always hold a piece of unadultered joy at its core for me. While things such as Christmas and Disneyland offer up the wonder of the sheer unknown to children, the promise of something simply unimaginable yet simultaneously perfect, E3 seems to have transcended my infancy and managed to hold onto that giddy anticipation even though I’m now the ripe old age of nineteen.

While Christmas and birthdays are now a horrid month of planning, panicking, shopping, wrapping and having to call in UN peacekeeping forces to sort out what everyone wants for a present; nothing can take away from the fact that on Tuesday morning, we will find out about a lot of new games. New shiny games that no ones know about and that feature characters I love. Games that I’ll want to play on new consoles that do amazing things and will give me something to look forward to for the next twelve months until next year’s E3 and so the cycle continues. It doesn’t even matter when I finally get to play them or if I do at all, it’s just the idea of new information being released that is guaranteed to interest me that I can never fault.

The sheer idea that there’s going to be a lot of new things for me to write about come Tuesday is simply joyous. For someone that likes writing about video games perhaps more than he does playing them (I’m better at the first, honest) then E3 is more than an oversized press conference, it’s the future. It’s an annual shot in the arm for our industry and for our creative influences. It’s the one day every year when Nintendo (the company that has enchanted me since I first held that Game Boy Colour on my seventh birthday) open their factory doors and show us all of the amazing things it keeps inside.

It’s Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory at Christmas. That’s E3 for me. And I wouldn’t miss it for the world,


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Issue 53: Exceeding Imagination


Round Table: Exceeding Expectations? by Nintendojo Staff
In anticipation of Tuesday’s conference, the staff discuss what we think Nintendo will offer up.

Weekly Poll by Nintendojo Staff
We ask our readers a topical question downloaded directly from the Dojo mainframe. Could be about E3?


Nintendo E3 2011 Conference Liveblog by Adam Sorice
We cover Nintendo’s biggest press event of the year as it happens. Bless the Refresh button!

Nintendo Conference News by Kevin Knezevic and Adam Sorice
Nintendo’s going to announce some big stuff on Tuesday. What’ll be? That we don’t know yet.

E3 Nightly News Roundup by Smith Stuart
We bring back our Nightly News Roundups for daily coverage of the biggest week in the gaming calendar.


Round Table: Conference Thoughts by Nintendojo Staff
The dust has settled, Café stands before us for the first time. What did we think of Nintendo’s showing?

Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 146 by M. Noah Ward
Noah and his nefarious cohorts (aka James and Tidman) discuss E3 2011 in the only way they can: a podcast.

E3 Nightly News Roundup by Aaron Roberts
The latest news from the conference floor on the second day of E3. This is when you’ll wish it was all over.


Round Table: Judging the Competition by Nintendojo Staff
Apparently there’s these guys called Sony and Microsoft? We comment on their paltry offerings.

E3 Nightly News Roundup by Kevin Knezevic
E3 draws to a close for another year but we’re still covering all the trickles of info from the show!


Round Table: How was it for you? by Nintendojo Staff
We offer our feelings on E3 2011 as a whole, what we liked and what we didn’t.

E3 Nightly News Roundup by James Stank
Surely we haven’t mentioned everything!? We pick up the pieces of E3 as life returns to normality.


Round Table: eShop Impressions by Nintendojo Staff
Thought we were round tabled out? Nah, check out our thoughts on the newly opened 3DS eShop!


E3 2011 Roundup by Andrew Hsieh
We’ve had time to sleep at last and look back on a no-doubt-landmark E3 for the gaming industry.

Coming Up Next Week…

Issue 54: Pass the Bottle
E3 2011 is going to be the mother of gaming hangovers but as they say, hair of the dog…

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