Issue 1: Rebirth

Check out the table of contents for the first issue of Nintendojo’s brave new world.

By M. Noah Ward. Posted 06/09/2010 01:25 Comment on this     ShareThis

Issue 1: Rebirth

Letter from the Editor…

To kick off the first week of the new Nintendojo, we agreed there was no better theme than “Rebirth.” The word can mean a lot of things, especially in the ever-evolving world of video games. Some franchises long thought dead get sequels both modern- (Metroid Prime) and retro-styled (Mega Man 9). Video game developers and publishers shutter to show up as new entities, with the same employees but a new name. Or a company that was once Nintendo’s biggest competitor decides to start fresh as a software-only developer, bringing its exclusive series to Nintendo machines.

Then there’s the rebirth of Nintendojo itself. A year or so ago, an editor at a fellow Nintendo site told me that Nintendojo should have been redesigned five years ago. Whether or not he was right, my excitement for our new site and content makes it feel it was worth the wait. I’m not sure how we would have gotten here, otherwise. Further, we’re so psyched up as a staff to start this new journey, and we hope you enjoy taking it with us, sharing your favorite stories and features with friends.

Yet we’re not going to spend much time looking in the mirror. Instead, we’re putting a bigger spotlight on our favorite video game rebirths– and the ones that are better left unrealized.



P.S. We’d love to hear what you think about our new look and content! Tell us what you think!

Issue 1: Rebirth / Table of Contents

Welcome to the New Nintendojo by M. Noah Ward
Thanks for checking out the new Nintendojo! Find out about our new design and content.

Round Table: Our Favorite Rebirths by Nintendojo Staff
The Nintendojo staff comes together to let loose the secrets of their favorite rebirths this generation.

Revivals: Good, Bad, and Needed by James Stank
Many games are revived every year, from Mega Man to Sonic. James gets into which are worth your time, and which you should pine for.

Keep Icarus on the Shelf by Andy Hoover
Some people haven’t let the dream of a new Kid Icarus game be put to rest. We’ve heard so much about this vaporware sequel, some of you have actually begun to want it. Here’s why you should be glad it’s not come to pass.

Hot Air: Rebirthed by Aaron Roberts
The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Don’t Redesign Nintendojo! by Nester64x
Our new, extreme fanboy columnist is so cool that he’s the first staffer we’ve allowed to go by an alias since someone was spewing bad Japanese. And for his first column, what else should he address than why Nintendojo shouldn’t have redesigned?

2 Dimensions, 3 Times the Fun by Matthew Tidman
If 3D is so awesome, why are 2D games still being made? Yeah, that’s what we thought– it’s a stumper, but Matthew Tidman is ready to break it down.

Back to Pixels by Aaron Roberts
We take a look at all the new games that are making old stuff cool again: the games that are being sequelized in glorious, ’80s-loving pixels.

Contra ReBirth WiiWare Review by Robert Thompson
We didn’t think there’d be a better time to review one of Konami’s ReBirth titles than this week. And this particular one? An instant action classic.

Flowchart: Are You 2D or 3D? by Greg Wampler
Feeling a little two-dimensional lately? Well, don’t be surprised. Just use this handy flowchart to identify if this is a permanent condition, or if you’re truly destined for the fleshed-out joys of 3D.

Additional features in this issue…





Next Week…

Issue 2: E3 2010, The Beginning
You didn’t think we were skipping E3 with all this new fanciness? Not at all. Next week we’ll be on-site in Los Angeles, bringing you all the news, impressions and podcasts we can muster.

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