Nintendo Heartcast Episode 045: The January E3

Noah and Evan discuss the thrill of last week’s Wii U game announcements, and the chills of some media reactions.

By M. Noah Ward. Posted 01/30/2013 09:00 9 Comments     ShareThis

Nintendo Heartcast Episode 45: The January E3

Nintendo Heartcast Episode 45: The January E3

Noah and Evan geek out over Nintendo’s Wii U Nintendo Direct, discussing games and press reactions.

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Recording Date
January 28, 2013

Noah and Evan

Show Contents
00:00:00 Introduction and Game Night Results
00:04:09 Nintendo Direct: Intro
00:05:33 Nintendo Direct: Overall Reactions
00:07:07 Nintendo Direct: Top 5 + 1
00:20:00 The Rundown: Intro
00:23:04 The Rundown: Wii U System Updates
00:36:39 The Rundown: Virtual Console on Wii U
00:35:31 The Rundown: Game Announcements
01:00:27 Our Analysis
01:07:22 Negative Press Reactions
01:25:16 Release Date Predictions
01:40:46 Listener Feedback
01:49:24 Conclusion
01:51:32 Credits
01:53:21 Total Length


9 Responses to “Nintendo Heartcast Episode 045: The January E3”

  • 75 points
    Rawbiz says...

    Crap, I missed the play session well I try next time maybe a friendly reminder on wiiU or 3ds right now I’m deep in ZombiU and AC3

  • 690 points
    KisakiProject says...

    I think I remember that complaining about the eye feature Noah.

    So Nintendo Direct was amazing! Windwaker is the 2nd best Zelda IMO so I am pumped for an updated HD remake. I will gladly play that again! Of course I’m pumped for all the mentioned stuff but in terms of raw excitement X blew me away. Xenoblade with giant mechs? Nintendo should just have automatic withdraws from my bank account. But yeah getting a WiiU was totally worth it.

    The direct brought out my childish fanboy. Also Evan & I are the same age…weird.

  • 1244 points
    lukas85 says...

    i’m so hyped for the monolith soft “X” game, i think it will be the first tittle to prove wiiU potential (graphical wise) and is gonna be huuugeeeee, if they can do a game like xenoblade on wii with its technical limitations i can only imagine the possibilities for this studio with a more powerful console. Im also waiting for wonderful 101, that new trailer got me really exited, it looks crazier than viewtiful joe and more intense than pikmin. I can’t believe how synical can be game journalist some times, but i don’t care because the rest of us, the true gamers and nintendo fans know that Ninty is the greatest out there and that the future looks bright for wiiU and 3ds owners.

  • 1244 points
    lukas85 says...

    edit: “how cynical game journalist can be sometimes”. Sorry my english is still not very good.

  • 261 points
    JasonMaivia says...

    Dear Nintendo,

    I loved the Nintendo Direct, but where’s my Wave Race for Wii U?

  • 198 points
    Evan Campbell says...

    As a heads up, the next Game with Us is February 11. I’ll be playing Assassin’s Creed III on Wii U while Noah will be playing Heroes of Ruin.

    Oh, and keep the awesome comments coming. :)

  • 201 points
    NintendoDad says...

    My favorite news from the Direct was the Monolith game, hands down. I’m hoping it’s Xenoblade 2. If it is, one concern I have is the multiplayer it appears to have. I have no problem with multiplayer and online play. However, I hope it doesn’t come at the expense of a long single player experience with tons of side quests that Xenoblade Chronicles is known for.

    At the last game night, Smecho and I were in the Mario Kart 7 battle mode waiting for Noah. We ended up playing and it’s the first time either of us had played this mode online. Wow! I didn’t realize what I had been missing. It was very fun.

    I’ll probably play Assassins Creed III at the next game night. I have never played this multiplayer so maybe I should check it out before Feb 11.

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