Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 106: The Twenty Push

Andy and Noah debate whether a $20 price drop can sell a DSi or a 3DS.

By M. Noah Ward. Posted 09/01/2010 10:30 4 Comments     ShareThis
Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 106: The Twenty Push

Andy and Noah discuss what the DSi and DSi XL price drops mean to them, and make some predictions on how 3DS’s launch and price will be impacted.

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Recording Date
August 31, 2010

Noah and Andy

00:00:00 Introduction
00:04:34 What We’re Playing
00:15:10 The Mysterious DSi and DSi XL Price Drop
00:27:53 Warm Fuzzies Feedback
00:32:53 Conclusion
00:33:49 Credits

00:36:01 Total Length


4 Responses to “Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 106: The Twenty Push”

  • 441 points
    Terr says...

    Hey guys! Another great show :D Was nice to hear Andy around & you guys did a good job of staying within the limit more or less.

    RE: The price drop issue. I recently got gifted a DSi XL, but I’ll comment on this anyway. $20 is about £13 which is an absolutly laughable price drop. I think this isn’t intended to be a real price drop, but more of a coaxing to hint that something is going to happen. If this is by some chance a real attempt to lower the price of the DSi & DSi XL then lol-Nintendo, what are you doing? I hope the 3DS does come out soon, even though the DSi XL is still new, having the 3DS come out soon would mean new games & that is always nice… but at £195 (roughly $300) I won’t be getting it soon :(

    • 697 points
      Adam Sorice says...

      I don’t think the 3DS will be priced higher than the Wii (and by Wii, I mean its original £180 price point) but I think it’ll be about equal. The PSP launched at £160 I think so another £20 on top of that sounds quite fair. I don’t think Nintendo would push £200+ in the UK market, unless they see the 3DS as a hardcore-centric console for the first couple years of shelf life.

      And video games and hardware always cost so much more in Europe. It’s a real joy, lemme tell you.

  • 690 points
    KisakiProject says...

    Hey guys. Personally I don’t think we’ll get 3DS this year atleats in the west. I think they dropped the price to milk one last holiday season for the DS.

    • 441 points
      Terr says...

      Asked a bunch of friends who didn’t have one, if this price change would convince them to go ahead & buy one, but each one of them said no. This isn’t a good enough price drop to warrent going out & getting one with the 3DS already announced, but not dated

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