20 Years of Star Fox: The Music

A look at some of best music of the series!

By Kyle England. Posted 04/04/2013 10:00 1 Comment     ShareThis

It’s been 20 years since the Arwings first launched and the team known as Star Fox reported for duty. In 1993, Star Fox (Starwing in the UK) came out for the Super Nintendo. Since then, we’ve had five distinct games and one remake bearing the Star Fox name over both Nintendo home consoles and handhelds. The series has become Nintendo’s seminal sci-fi shoot ’em up franchise, but it’s also branched out to include action-adventure and strategy elements as well. Fans of the Star Fox games love them for their intense action, re-playability, and chatty characters. Star Fox has had its highs and lows, but at any rate, 20 years is a grand milestone to celebrate.

Over the coming week, we’re going to be looking at the history, the characters, Star Fox’s greatest moments, and all the fun facts and trivia. But right now, let’s take a look back at some of the incredible music that defined the series. Check your G-Diffuser systems, because here we go!

Star Fox

Theme of Star Fox

This music is the main theme of the SNES Star Fox, and in a way it acts as an introduction into the entire series. You don’t hear it until the credits roll! It sounds a bit like a spacey military marching tune, and it encourages you to jump into the Arwing and begin your great adventure once again. The orchestral version from Super Smash Bros. Brawl is also amazing. Blast some fools!

Corneria Theme

This is perhaps one of the best tunes of the entire Star Fox series. It’s supersonic, electronic, and hypnotic. The Corneria music is a great mix of electronic music with a dash of rocking out. Its iconic sound was the perfect music to fly to! There are also many amazing remixes of this great theme.

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